Active Goals
Location: Pittsburgh PA

Dr. Bonny Rockette-Wagner
University of Pittsburgh

Physical activity is critical for heart health, bone strength, and other aspects of health. This study is testing an online program to help primary care patients increase their physical activity.

Study Description:

Physical activity is critical for heart health, bone strength, blood pressure control – and a range of other health benefits. Yet most Americans do not get enough exercise. The ActiveGOALS Study is testing an online program to help inactive primary care patients increase their physical activity and reduce sedentary time with the assistance of an e-coach. Software development and study design was guided by a team that includes a Story Booth storyteller.

What's involved?

Interested in helping people become more active? Patients and caregivers are needed as members of a research team to help researchers make sure that an online activity program is delivered in a way that patients will find convenient, and that patients will have the supports they need to understand program goals and make changes in their daily behaviors.

Is this study a good fit for you?

• Ages 18 and up • Obtains primary care in Allegheny County, PA • Struggles to fit physical activity into daily activities

Funding Status



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Wondering what it's like to be a patient partner in a clinical study? Here are some links to resources.

Meet the Researcher
Dr. Bonny Rockette-Wagner

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